

Event: October 25

Location: Zions Tech Campus

7860 S Bingham Junction Blvd

Midvale UT 84047

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Table of


  • About TED
  • TEDx Midvale
  • Our Team
  • Why partner with us
  • Partner Advantage
  • Brand awareness advantage
  • Partnership Signup Sheet
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A TED Talk is a form of presentation that occurs at the annual TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) conference, as well as other TEDx events held around the world. The term "TED Talk" has become synonymous with a short, powerful presentation on a wide range of topics, from science and technology to personal development, arts, and more.

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TEDx events are indecently organized by local leaders who are licensed by TEDx. These event benefit its community in several ways:

  1. Knowledge Sharing and Inspiration: TEDx events feature a diverse range of speakers who share their ideas, experiences, and expertise on various subjects. These talks can inspire and educate the community members, fostering a culture of lifelong learning and personal growth.
  2. Ideas and Innovation: TEDx events often showcase cutting-edge ideas, innovations, and unconventional perspectives. This can stimulate creative thinking within the community, potentially leading to the development of new projects, businesses, or solutions to local challenges.
  3. Networking: TEDx events bring together people from different fields, backgrounds, and experiences. This provides attendees with valuable networking opportunities, enabling them to connect with like-minded individuals, experts, and potential collaborators.
  4. Community Engagement: Organizing and attending a TEDx event can strengthen the sense of community among participants. It provides a platform for residents, local leaders, and organizations to come together, fostering a stronger bond and shared sense of purpose.
  5. Showcasing Local Talent: Many TEDx events prioritize featuring local speakers and performers. This helps shine a spotlight on the talent and expertise present within the community, boosting the recognition and appreciation of local achievements.

6. Catalyst for Change: TEDx talks often address societal challenges, presenting potential solutions and thought-provoking perspectives. These talks can serve as a catalyst for positive change within the community by raising awareness and encouraging collective action.

7. Promotion of Critical Thinking: TEDx talks encourage critical thinking and open dialogue. By exposing the community to a variety of viewpoints and ideas, these events can help community members become more discerning and open-minded.

8. Educational Enhancement: TEDx events can be integrated into educational institutions, offering students a chance to engage with real-world ideas and experiences beyond their textbooks. This can enhance the overall educational experience and provide students with valuable insights into various fields.

9. Brand and Reputation Building: For the organizers, hosting a successful TEDx event can enhance their reputation within the community and beyond. It demonstrates their commitment to knowledge sharing, innovation, and community engagement.

10. Long-lasting Impact: The recorded talks from TEDx events can be accessed online, providing a lasting resource for the community to revisit and share with others. This extends the event's impact beyond its physical presence.

A TEDx event is a local gathering where TED-like talks and videos previously recorded at TED conferences are shared with the community of over 38 Millions subscribers on YouTube.

TEDx events are fully planned and coordinated independently, on a community-by-community basis.

The content and design of each TEDx event is unique and developed independently, but all of them have features in common.

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= independenly organized TED event


TEDxMidvale is organized by volunteers from the local community, and just like TED events, it lacks any commercial, religious, or political agenda. It's goal is to spark conversation,

connection, and community.

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Sponsoring a TEDx event provides numerous benefits for a company, depending on its goals. Some of the benefits include:

  1. Brand visibility and exposure: TEDxMidvale events attract a diverse and engaged audience, both in-person and through online platforms. Sponsoring an event can significantly increase a company's brand visibility and exposure to a broader demographic.
  2. Thought leadership and expertise showcase: By aligning with a TEDxMidvale event, a company can position itself as a thought leader in its industry or specific field. It provides a platform to share innovative ideas, insights, and expertise, which can enhance the company's reputation and credibility.
  3. Networking opportunities: TEDxMidvale events bring together a wide range of attendees, including professionals, entrepreneurs, academics, and creatives. Sponsoring the event allows a company to network with like-minded individuals and potential partners, clients, or collaborators.
  4. Community engagement: Sponsoring a TEDx event shows the company's commitment to community engagement and support for intellectual and innovative discussions. It helps build a positive image among the local community and stakeholders.
  5. Talent attraction and retention: Being associated with a prestigious and inspiring event like TEDxMidvale can make a company more attractive to potential employees, as it showcases a commitment to personal and professional growth.

6. Content marketing opportunities: TEDx talks often generate millions online visibility and social media shares. Companies sponsoring these events can leverage the content generated through their digital marketing efforts, extending their reach and engagement with a wider audience.

7. Media coverage and PR opportunities: TEDx events tend to attract media attention, and sponsoring the event can lead to media coverage, interviews, and press mentions, which can further enhance a company's reputation and reach.

8. Access to innovative ideas and trends: Sponsoring TEDx events allows companies to stay informed about emerging trends, new technologies, and groundbreaking ideas, which can inspire innovation within the company.

9. Corporate social responsibility (CSR): Supporting a TEDx event demonstrates the company's commitment to supporting educational and community initiatives, contributing to its overall CSR strategy.

10. Positive association with TEDx brand: TED has established itself as a global platform for promoting meaningful and impactful ideas. Being associated with the TEDx brand can give a company a sense of credibility and trust among its audience.

It's essential for a company to carefully align its values and messaging with TEDx brand through sponsorship to ensure the most significant impact and benefit from the partnership.

Licensee Lead Organizer

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Our Team

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James Lombardi

System Social Media


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Damarcus Jackson

Curation AP

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Fran Crookston



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Sean Douglas

Curation/ Coach

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Kalister Banks

Event Team

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Yago M Pinto

Curation AP

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Theme is Breaking


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Unleash the Power of Ideas, Growth, and Innovation in Our Community!

At TEDxMidvale, we are driven by a relentless passion for ideas that have the potential to transform lives and ignite change. We firmly believe that by sharing and nurturing these ideas, we can inspire our community to reach new heights of creativity and innovation. Our themes are carefully curated to spark original thinking and create unforgettable experiences.

Your donations are not just contributions; they are investments in a brighter future for the Midvale Community and the world at large. We understand the weight of our responsibility and take it seriously, ensuring that every dollar is utilized with utmost care.

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All volunteer team


As an all-volunteer organization, we channel every penny towards selecting the very best ideas, meticulously preparing our events, securing exceptional speakers, and producing professional content that captivates audiences worldwide.

We extend a heartfelt invitation to you to join forces with TEDxMidvale and become a partner in supporting both the present and future of our remarkable community. By collaborating with us, you will play a pivotal role in fostering a culture of innovation, empowering the next generation, and shaping a brighter tomorrow for all. Together, let's make a profound impact that resonates far beyond the boundaries of Midvale, Sandy or Cottonwood Heights .

1- Participating Partner

Contribution: $1000

8 spots available

*Receive an “official sponsor of TEDxMidvale 2023” emblem to place on your website, print ads, etc.

*1/8 page ad in the digital program

*Place an offer/coupon in the digital SWAG bag *2 tickets to the event

*Logo placement on (small)

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2- Strategic Partner

Contribution: $2500

6 spots available

*Receive an “official sponsor of TEDxMidvale 2023” emblem to place on your website, print ads, etc.

*1/8 page ad in the digital program

*Place an offer/coupon in the digital SWAG bag

*Up to 4 tickets 2 for event, 2 for after party, Afterglow

*Recognition during the event on social media channels (over 60K+ followers across the TEDxMidvale organizer platforms for 4 weeks priorto event )

*Logo placement on

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3- Bronze Partner

Contribution: $5000

4 available All the above plus:

*Up to 6 tickets to the pre-event VIP reception, a private event to mingle with the presenters *Up to 6 tickets to the pre-event cocktail hour

*Up to 6 tickets to the live event

*Up to 6 tickets to the after party, Afterglow

*1 emcee recognition on stage at the live event

*Large logo placement on event promotion e-blasts to the e-list

(4K subscribers)

*1 shout out in an event promotional eblast

*Large logo placement on all talk intro slides

*Joint promotional video about partner contribution (produced

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4- Silver Partner

Contribution: $10,000

2 spots available

*Receive an “official sponsor of TEDxMidvale 2023” emblem to place on your website, print ads, etc.

*1/2 page ad in the digital program

*Place an offer/coupon in the digital SWAG bag

*Up to 25 tickets to the livestream (if livestream is available) *Engagement/information table

*Up to 8 tickets to the pre-event VIP reception, a private event to mingle with the presenters *Up to 8 tickets to the pre-event cocktail hour

*Up to 8 tickets to the live event

*Up to 8 tickets to the after party, Afterglow

(Continued on next page)

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(Continued Silver Partner package)

*1 emcee recognition on stage at the live event

*Recognition prior to the event on social media channels (60K+ followers) *Recognition during the event on social media channels (60K+ followers) *Recognition after the event on social media channels (60K+ followers)

*Logo placement on (large)

*Large logo placement on event promotion eblasts to the elist (5K subscribers)

*1 shout out in an event promotional eblast

*Large logo placement on all talk intro slides

*Joint promotional video about partner contribution (produced by partner)

*Gift of an official TEDxMidvale 2023 poster signed by all presenters and the emcee(s)

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5- Gold Partner

Contribution: $15,000

2 spot available

*Receive an “official sponsor of TEDxMidvale 2023” emblem to place on your website, print ads, etc.

*Full page ad in the digital program

*Place an offer/coupon in the digital SWAG bag

*Up to 30 tickets to the livestream (if livestream is available) *Engagement/information

*Up to 10 tickets to the pre-event VIP reception, a private event to mingle with the presenters *Up to 10 tickets to the pre-event cocktail hour

*Up to 10 tickets to the live event

*Up to 10 tickets to the after party, Afterglow

*2 emcee recognitions on stage at the live event

*Recognition prior to the event on social media channels (60K+ followers) *Recognition during the event on social media channels (60K+ followers) *Recognition after the event on social media channels (60K+ followers)

*Logo placement on (large)

*Large logo placement on event promotion eblasts to the elist (5K subscribers)

*2 shout outs in promotional eblasts

*Large logo placement on all talk intro slides

*Gift of an official TEDxSaltLakeCity 2023 poster signed by all presenters and the emcee(s)

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6- Platinum Partner

Contribution: $20,000

2 spot available

*Receive an “official sponsor of TEDxMidvale 2023” emblem to place on your website, print ads, etc.

*Full page ad with priority placement in the digital program for the event

*Place an offer/coupon in the digital SWAG bag

*Up to 30 tickets to the livestream (if livestream is available) *Engagement/information table

*Up to 12 tickets to the pre-event VIP reception, a private event to mingle with the presenters *Up to 12 tickets to the pre-event cocktail hour

*Up to 12 tickets to the live event

*Up to 12 tickets to the after party, Afterglow

*2 emcee recognitions on stage at the live event

*Recognition prior to the event on social media channels (60K+ followers) *Recognition during the event on social media channels (60K+ followers) *Recognition after the event on social media channels (60K+ followers)

*Logo placement on (large)

*Large logo placement on event promotion eblasts to our elist (3K subscribers)

*2 shout outs in event promotional eblasts

*Large logo placement on all talk intro slides

*Gift of an official TEDxMidvale 2023 poster signed by all presenters and the emcee(s)

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Marj Desius TEDxMidvale Organizer

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321 E Midvale Utah 84047

Event: October 25

Location: Zions Tech Campus

7860 S Bingham Junction Blvd

Midvale UT 84047

PArtnership CHECK Payable To

Blooming Biz & Mind LLC




Qty. Avail



















Sub Total

$ _____________



Name: Marj Desius






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Event: October 25

Location: Zions Tech Campus

7860 S Bingham Junction Blvd

Midvale UT 84047

*All “up to” items are determined in final contract and 10 days RSVP prior to the event, per each event. Reminder notices will be sent out

at 5 days before the due date and on the due date respectively.

@2023 TEDx Midvale All Rights reserved